Intellectual property guarantee

Data reversibility guarantee

Availability guarantee

Longevity guarantee

We offer an operational guarantee, our original business line, to digital service providers assessed to be reliable (via a rating process). Under this guarantee, we undertake to continue running the provider’s service if its business fails or closes and to offer the client service continuity through until the end of their contract.

Consequently, if the provider fails, the aim is to have the service up and running with a back-up service provider before the legal proceedings are completed. For critical services, the key constraints and resources are identified and any required work-around solutions can be put in place.

To enable us to maintain the contracted service if the provider fails, we operate a stringent procedure including :

Accord de confidentialité de 5 ans

Five-year non-disclosure agreement

Virtualisation du service

Service virtualisation

Rédaction du MBUS

MBUS procedure drafting

Désimbrication des productions mutualisées

Separation of jointly developed products

Backup selon les niveaux de TRACON

Back-up as appropriate to TRACON levels

Tests annuels

Annual tests